Posts Categorized: Dental practice lifestyle

How to Build an Ideal Schedule That Maximizes Profit and Enjoyment

Too often, dentists are trapped by schedules they didn’t create and can’t control. The demands of the day dictate their lives, leaving them drained, frustrated, and wondering if they’re working hard for the sake of working hard. But here’s the truth: your schedule is the foundation of your practice and your life. The way you… Read more »

Take Control of Your Life by Building a Practice of Your Own Design

Either life happens to you, or you make life happen. In private practice, too many doctors find themselves in the first category—simply reacting to what comes their way. Most independent doctors are not in control of their lives. They’re at the mercy of schedules, finances, and the demands of a practice that’s been running on… Read more »

Write Your Own Definition of Success

If you don’t write your own definition of success, someone else will write it for you.  And that’s a problem. Most doctors go through their careers without truly defining what success looks like for them. They’re stuck in a reactive mode, responding to outside pressures – from patients, the industry, insurance companies, even their own… Read more »

The Lifestyle Practice Formula: How to Build a Practice That Serves Your Life

Let’s talk about something that too many doctors get wrong: your practice should serve your life — not the other way around. I see doctors time and time again letting their practice take over everything, pushing their personal lives, their freedom, and their time into whatever leftover scraps the practice allows. It doesn’t have to… Read more »