As you wake up today heading into a weekend celebration of Independence and you remember those that made it possible, I want to also draw your reflection to yourself. Whether it’s a recent memory or a distant one, you chose not just to become a doctor but an Independent Private Practice Dentist owning your own… Read more »
The Practice and Lifestyle Freedom You’ve Been Waiting For
When it comes to protecting your practice future, the most important question you can ask yourself is: what do you need to be independent from? Your answer, or answers, will ultimately determine your fate. How you choose to operate your practice as a business and what you choose to insulate yourself from will either position… Read more »
Your 5-Part Practice Plan to Counteract Economic Forces (Part 2)
Over the past two weeks I have given you a play by play strategic guide with specific actions to take to combat, overcome, and conquer the tightening of the pocket book you’re bound to experience from your patients. I always promise truth telling by only dealing with facts. However, I’ll never leave you without ways… Read more »
Your 5-Part Practice Plan to Counteract Economic Forces
Well, that struck a chord. As it should have. It’s great to see so many get fired up. Last week was one of the most timely Weekly Reports I’ve written. The bottom line is most sit around playing victim instead of doing what is necessary to become the victor. The most successful people find a… Read more »
Where Dentistry Fits Among Your Patients’ Financial Priorities
Over the past several weeks there’s been rumblings of sorts from various parts of the country of patients tightening up a little bit. Holding on to their money, as it might be said, creating more resistance on the financial front. What say you? Are you experiencing this in your practice? I can tell you, your… Read more »