Dr. David Ahearn is the founder of Design Ergonomics, the nation’s largest independent dental office design company, having helped 1,000’s of dentists achieve their Space & Equipment goals. Founded in 1993, DE continues to lead the industry in highly productive cost effective dental office design. For a free plan assessment and design consultation visit: www.desergo.com
Is Your Practice Providing Everything You Deserve?
When I wrote my first book, The Dental Practice Shift, I was standing up and fighting for the Private Practice Independent Dentist and I am still fighting today. My mission was simple… to inspire, embolden, and support doctors to take back control over their practices and their lives. To stop doing dentistry the same way… Read more »
Real Independence for the Independent Dentist
If you haven’t seen my important video message about Independence in Dentistry, stop reading this and go right here, right now. It couldn’t be timelier as it contains valuable information for you during this critical juncture in our industry… Watch The Video: The Importance of Independence in Dentistry There are a lot of forms of independence…. Read more »
How to Celebrate Independence This July 4th
As you wake up today heading into a weekend celebration of Independence and you remember those that made it possible, I want to also draw your reflection to yourself. Whether it’s a recent memory or a distant one, you chose not just to become a doctor but an Independent Private Practice Dentist owning your own… Read more »
The Practice and Lifestyle Freedom You’ve Been Waiting For
When it comes to protecting your practice future, the most important question you can ask yourself is: what do you need to be independent from? Your answer, or answers, will ultimately determine your fate. How you choose to operate your practice as a business and what you choose to insulate yourself from will either position… Read more »