You know the question I hate more than any other: “Does it work in FILL IN THE BLANK” … big cities, small towns, poor neighborhoods, rich suburbs, with old people, with families, in seasonal areas or transient regions. Does it work? Answer: anything that works – works. The problem is not the “it” it is… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Dental Success
How To Avoid Down Months From Ever Happening – Part 2
Earlier this week, I outlined the biggest overriding reason why Practices fall off the wagon and have “bad months”. If you missed it, ignored it, think you are too good for it … find it, read it, study it and really apply it to your practice. I can always predict a pending down month within… Read more »
You Won’t Believe This… and it all could have been prevented
So, I have to tell you a story… This week, a friend of mine (a non-dental professional business acquaintance), who appreciates health and keeps his teeth clean, had one of my amazing world class dentists gave him a brilliant smile he deserved. The point is, he told me about a screwy marketing gimmick stunt that… Read more »
The ‘Best’ Kind of New Patients (& How To Get Them)
It is no secret that the patients we all want more of are referrals. You want referrals because they are coming to you because it’s you, because someone they trust told them to. They will come in with an attitude of gratitude and expectations of receiving care. Referrals are the ultimate secret to amazing growth… Read more »
The Truth Behind New Patient Marketing
This is probably the most frequent and repetitive question, concern and frustration I get. It comes from all different Dentists, geographic areas, every size and type of practice you can imagine. It is: how to reliably and consistently receive a steady stream of high quality a-patients into your practice. If you have ever done any… Read more »