The Only Way To Measure Results

I know many Team Members can be timid about “money” and “selling.” But, you know what, they simply have to get over it. I’m going to be very blunt right now because anything else would be doing you a disservice. Paychecks don’t fall out of the sky. Money to keep the lights on is not… Read more »

Insurance is a Cancer – Here is The Cure

Friends, can we please have a serious conversation about the cancer in our industry called Insurance! I have presented many strategies and plans here in the Profit Report about Insurance and ways to transition away from it, to maximize accepting it, to straight-up beat it and to educate, influence, persuade patients over-above-and-around it. So, you… Read more »

Mastering The Five “P’s”

You’ve heard this…but how does it apply to every single day in the operations of your Practice. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance I’m going to take this backwards to help you understand and fully execute an aggressive and effective overall approach to your daily success. If there was one thing that could make an incredible… Read more »