The Secret To Helping Patients Excitedly Say “Yes!”

Today, I’m going to give you a very special and useful secret to influencing more patients to move forward with their pathways to health (treatment plans).  The patients will actually and naturally desire to do the dentistry that they deserve. So often we present treatment as if it’s just ‘information’ not as if it’s actually… Read more »

Creating Trust With Patients [Part 7 of 7]

Today, we conclude our trust building in the same way that your initial experience concludes with your patients.  What we all commonly refer to as “the exit.”  However, most practices get the exit all wrong. Most view the exit as the end, when in fact it is actually only the end of the beginning and… Read more »

The Power of Assumption – Part 2

Of course, you know where I’m going with this given last week’s message.  Assumptions are both good and bad depending on which way you point them. If you are assuming the worst then the worst is often what you are going to get.  You know the person who is always having a bad day and… Read more »

The Power of Assumption – Part 1

You’ve heard the saying about what happens when you assume.  You know what it makes out of “U” and “Me.”  This is a funny notion and yet so true. A book I recommend to everyone I meet is The Four Agreements.  One of the agreements is to NOT make assumptions because it makes your vision… Read more »