The Most Detrimental Mistake That Undermines Practice Success

Over the past few weeks, I have showcased how to go from powerless to powerful by laying out the three most harmful behaviors. What happens in most practices (usually because of the four mindset saboteurs… self-limiting beliefs, preconceived ideas, negative self-talk, and pessimistic attitudes – more on these another time), is the team gives up… Read more »

Your Battle Plan for Leveraging the Advantages of Private Practice Dentistry

Last week, after my exclusive Whiteboard Session all about the Power of Private Practice, one of my dearest friends and greatest champions, Dr. Larry Kaplan (who has spent five decades in dentistry) said it was the best battle plan for leveraging the advantages private practice provides. Now, Dr. Kaplan happens to be one of the most… Read more »

The Only Real Competition You Have in Dentistry

In just a few hours during my Whiteboard Strategy Session, I’m going to reveal in great detail how you can take advantage of the power of small numbers and leverage that into increased differentiation to create demand and help you build better patients… “The Undeniable Power of Private Practice Dentistry” Now, the best news of… Read more »