Are You Creating Your Own Bad Luck?

Expectations are everything.  Including and maybe especially when it comes to Luck.  As they say you earn every ounce of luck you get by what you do and what you think, and all of that begins with what you expect. There is bad luck happening everywhere, every single day.  Some doctors let that paralyze them… Read more »

How To Sabotage Your Case Acceptance (Part 5 of 5)

Case Acceptance Destroyer and Sabotage Trait #5 of 5: Not collecting at the time of scheduling If I had to point to the one thing that can literally shift and transform your practice from being dependent on production and always running through your days to catch up to your goals – versus – getting ahead… Read more »

How To Sabotage Your Case Acceptance (Part 4 of 5)

Case Acceptance Destroyer and Sabotage Trait #4 of 5: Presenting insurance benefits improperly This is probably the single biggest issue facing good quality practices today and something that Team Members and Doctors have to commit to overcoming. I say it every single week in one article or another, that it doesn’t matter whether you are… Read more »