Your Lifestyle Dental Practice Manifesto ─ Part 3

Scott J Manning, MBAWeekly Report: Life Prosperity and Practice Profit This is the third part to my discussion about your dental practice lifestyle manifesto. Ultimately, everything we do together and inside your office comes down to the one aspect that matters most… It’s the foundational reason why you wake up, go into the office, sacrifice,… Read more »

Your Lifestyle Practice Manifesto ─ Part 2

Scott J Manning, MBAWeekly Report: Life Prosperity and Practice Profit This is the second part to my discussion about your dental practice and lifestyle manifesto. In speaking with Doctors, I’ve been known to issue this challenge: “Sit down with your team, hand out a piece of paper, and ask everyone to write down your Practice… Read more »

Your Lifestyle Practice Manifesto-Part 1

Scott J Manning, MBAWeekly Report: Life Prosperity and Practice Profit Do you have a Lifestyle Dental Practice Manifesto? There is nothing more important than the feeling of fulfillment in your life and practice because that is what drives everything else. As you will see unfold over the next several weeks, as we talk about having… Read more »