Posts Categorized: Huddle

Tis the Season for Creating Magical Teams

Every single month we provide what we call a “patient engagement” theme of the month. It is something that makes being at your Practice, being a ‘customer’ of what you do about more than just dentistry. That’s the point, for you to get involved in their life and them to bring their life inside of… Read more »

A Test of Truth In Being Thankful

This week, during Thanksgiving in the U.S., what will your people be saying around the dinner table as they hang out with family and talk about ‘work’. You know, they all ask “how’s work”, “what’s new”, “so are you still at Dr. so and so’s?” There’s truth that’s revealed in those kind of conversations. Real… Read more »

3 Daily Success Habits of Great Teams

Hulk Hogan always said, “Say your prayers and take your vitamins.” The obvious one you are used to, “Brush and floss after every meal.” The question is…what should be happening every day in your Practice? What are your daily success habits that drive your team’s performance? Today’s huddle is far more profound than what you… Read more »

Turning Frustration into Inspiration

It’s no doubt that once in a while you have bad days, someone makes a mistake, the schedule falls apart or the schedule is crammed full of chaos…the list could keep going of course. Insert YOUR Frustration here or should I say Frustrations with an “s”. And I don’t mean just with the Team because… Read more »

Lessons from the Mountains – Level 10 Teams!

You can’t fake passion. Authenticity. Genuine caring. Nope, it’s not possible. You also can’t fake focus and attentiveness. There is nothing more powerful than actually looking into your patients’ eyes and listening. Hearing what they say and engaging them in emotional and intimate dialogue about their mouth and the way it matters to their health,… Read more »