A True Story – Adversity into Opportunity

Imagine this… Heavy rains bring a once-in-100-year flood into your city and through several bad coincidences the water pressure around your practice ends up crushing your doors in and flooding your basement. A basement that contains all of your important things, say like your server, every patient record and all of the practice information that… Read more »

What The Best Dental Teams Do… Do You?

My best practices are all defined with these five characteristics: 1. Financially viable through value-based production with customized, individual patient care and comprehensive treatment planning 2. Team engagement with career-based employment and opportunities to grow 3. Exceptional case acceptance and not dependent on volume 4. Referral focused cultures and giving back philosophies of service 5…. Read more »

Why Competition is Exactly What You Need!

You know the question I hate more than any other: “Does it work in FILL IN THE BLANK” … big cities, small towns, poor neighborhoods, rich suburbs, with old people, with families, in seasonal areas or transient regions. Does it work? Answer: anything that works – works. The problem is not the “it” it is… Read more »