I am often asked what I experience as commonalities of dentists who do, have, become more than most. During my conversations with some of the most successful dentists in North America, I am constantly listening for the common traits and behaviors to surface. They typically all reinforce my belief that there are 3 underpinning philosophies,… Read more »
Are You a Climber, or Just Waiting for the Apple to Fall?
Welcome Spring Breakers Are you getting some great time away, relaxing, or picking up steam and pushing harder? I never forgot this saying I heard in a movie once…a basketball movie, it has stayed with me for the rest of my life. Well, my life is over yet that goodness, so up til now I… Read more »
3 Steps To More Treatment… With Every Patient
This week we’re keeping it short and sweet. Please don’t let that fool you. There is power in simplicity for those who value results and progress, instead of just activity. We can agree there is nothing more important during your day than time with your patients. This is your opportunity to make a real difference… Read more »
Why Teams Fail – Part 1 of 3
I’d say “fail” is all a matter of perspective. For the sake of our time here today, I’ll define “fail” as… anything less than optimal performance falling short of daily goals losing or missing patient opportunities having drama, miscommunication, lack of focus not taking initiative, caring as if it were their own type of mentality… Read more »
What Really Happens In Your Operatory? Not Enough.
Today I am going to share with you the biggest gap, hole in the bucket, missed opportunity that I see inside of an Operatory that is also one of the fastest problems to fix and it will make an extraordinary difference. Most of the time it’s not the patient who doesn’t want the service…it’s that… Read more »